Monday, December 21, 2009

Metalcore used to be good.

ok. lets try this again. top ten metalcore of all time as decided by me and Tim ( in mutal agreement. there really isn't any order other than we thought of the first five on the list before we thought of the rest.

*Cave-In - Until Your Heart Stops
*Disembodied - Heretic
*Martyr AD - The Human Condition in Twelve Fractions
*Burn It Down - Eat Sleep Mate Defend
*Coalesce - Functioning On Impatience
*Unbroken - Life, Love, Regret
*Shai Hulud - Hearts Once Nourished With Hope And Compassion
*Converge - Petitioning The Empty Sky
*Integrity - Seasons in the Size of Days
*Most Precious Blood - Nothing In Vain

if you haven't already, go check these albums out. all excellent listening.

1 comment:

Matthew said...

Thats a fantastic list. I would add Countervail ~ The Most abused word